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L'Isolina Pasta

L'Isolina Pasta

Southampton, NY

Spaghetti Dust

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Toasted Vessalico Garlic, Dehydrated Parsley, Dried Calabrian Chili, Sea Salt

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Aglio Olio e Peperoncino Blend - Pairs with 1lb of L’Isolina Pasta for a perfect spicy, garlicky spaghettata!

Just add to your drained, al dente pasta with 1/3 cup of great extra virgin olive oil, toss and serve!

More context:

Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino is one of the great dishes of La Cucina Italiana. It is the ultimate last-minute, late-night, just-home-from-a-party-with-nothing-in-the-pantry bare bones recipe. Growing up, our mother would often cook and serve it to us as a delicious, medicinal remedy to the common cold. It is garlicky and spicy, heartwarming and soul-satisfying.

Spaghetti Dust is our ready-to-go tube of travelling Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino. The idea is that you drain your al dente! pasta and toss it in a bowl with your Spaghetti Dust and ≈ 1/3 cup of high-quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil, then serve immediately at the table or, if it's been a late night, you consume it entirely and directly on the kitchen counter.

It is intended for pasta but goes great on grilled veggies, fish, steak, pizza, and mixed with olive oil to dunk bread into and/or bake into a perfect garlic bread, sprinkled on top of salad, or even mixed in with a guacamole (this was a recent suggestion from a customer and we cannot wait to try it)! Pairs great with anything from a nice cold beer, to a glass of chilled Malvasia or Albariño!

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L'Isolina Pasta

L'Isolina Pasta

Southampton, NY

We are L’Isolina Pasta, an artisan pasta company based in Southampton, New York and we make whole grain pasta that tastes great!

We produce our pasta with delicious varieties of whole grain wheat, grown and stone-milled locally by our partner farms on the East End of Long Island, who grow flavor-first varieties of wheat, and who farm the right way, prioritizing the health of the land and the community.

Whole grains are healthier than refined-flour products. They are richer in vitamins, minerals, fiber and...flavor! You will taste and feel the difference!