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Shoreview, MN

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Willa's x Raaka Dark Chocolate Vegan Oat Milk (Pack)

View reviews for Willa's x Raaka Dark Chocolate Vegan Oat Milk (Pack) 5.00 (1 review)
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filtered water, organic whole grain oats, organic maple sugar, organic cacao, organic vanilla extract, sea salt

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Finally, a chocolate milk that uses real cacao and organic ingredients you can recognize!

Willa's is a ‘wholly’ different kind of oat milk. Willa's zero-waste ‘whole oat approach’ uses the whole entire oat, which makes it rich and smooth, and maintains all the protein and fiber of the oats, with no harm to our planet.

It's slightly sweetened with maple sugar, which combined with the Raaka cacao, create a brownie-like taste that is delicious on its own, heated as a hot chocolate or in a mocha.

Willa's Dark Chocolate Oat Milk uses Raaka single origin Peruvian cacao, sourced in partnership with Indigenous farmers paid above Fair Trade wages.

While other oat milks are sweetened with highly processed oat sugar, Willa's only has 1 g of sugar from the oats, and is sweetened with maple sugar for a delicious taste, antioxidants, as well as a lower glycemic index for less sugar spike and crash!


Key selling features in bullet points

  • Vegan
  • Maple sugar (anti-oxidants and a lower glycemic index)
  • Single origin Peruvian cacao
  • Women-Owned and Women-Founded
  • Organic
  • Non-GMO
  • Transparently traded cacao
  • Zero-waste
  • Strong give-back program with proceeds goes to charity


Drink cold on its own, heat it up as a rich hot chocolate, or add it to your coffee as a mocha!


6-pack (six 32 oz cartons)



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Shoreview, MN

The founders of Willa’s, named the company after their Grandmother Willa who made the creamiest, most delicious oat milk with only the highest quality, honest ingredients. Willa’s is the only oat milk made by using the entire whole grain oat, which means their milks have the MOST PROTEIN, FIBER, and LEAST SUGAR content of any oat milk. 

Fun Fact: Grandmother Willa was a true New Yorker born in Brooklyn, NY and moved to St. Paul, MN later in life. Willa's Oat Milk followed in her footsteps, based out of Brooklyn, NY and Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN.