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Baltimore, MD

SIMPLi Regenerative Organic Certified® Chickpeas

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SIMPLi Regenerative Organic Certified® Chickpeas

Bubble Goods Approval Process

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Chickpeas, or garbanzo beans, are small legumes that stand up as hearty additions to an endless number of dishes. Believed to have originated in the Levant region, they are a key component of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern diets. Unlike canned versions, our regeneratively grown heirloom chickpeas contain less sodium and eliminate the risk of harmful chemical contamination.

Sourcing location: Andean Valleys of South America

Crop rotations: Amaranth, chia, and quinoa

Flavor profiles: Mild, nutty

Texture: Firm


From simmering in soups and stews, to crisping up in the oven and throwing on top of salads, to mashing into patties or frying into falafel, to spinning into hummus, chickpeas are about as versatile as legumes get. Use them to add a heavy dose of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and plant-based protein to pretty much any meal.


Comes in 12-ounce artisanal plastic-free bags

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Baltimore, MD

SIMPLi is a modern ingredients company ethically sourcing the highest quality single-origin ingredients while tackling fraudulent international supply chains, combating climate change and improving the livelihoods of farmers and their communities. Unlike traditional ingredients companies, SIMPLi owns its supply chain, working directly with growers in countries like Peru and Greece to ensure each product meets the strictest quality standards and to shift profits traditionally benefited by middlemen back to the farmers. SIMPLi is Regenerative Organic Certified™ and Fair For Life Certified.