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Brooklyn, NY

Sazón Latin All-Purpose Seasoning

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garlic, onion, salt, oregano, turmeric, black pepper

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Pisqueya Sazón offers the Latin flavor and rich color we all love, but without the harmful ingredients. Our natural blend has no artificial colors, no MSG, and is low in sodium – real ingredients only. The beautiful orange color comes from the natural plant called Achiote, also known as Annatto, and Bija (its indigenous Taino name) in the Caribbean. This popular spice blend is an upgrade to anything you marinate, rub, grill, roast, fry, or sauté!


In Latin Caribbean kitchens, Sazón is the go-to seasoning – particularly for meats, stews, and rice dishes. Pisqueya’s take on the traditional blend has less salt, making it an all-purpose seasoning that you can add to your cooking base, marinade, or rub on your veggies, soups, and more.


2 Btls. Each Btl contains 2.5 oz



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Brooklyn, NY

Pisqueya [pees-keh-yah] is a first generation, woman-owned, Latinx-American Food Company. We are a culture-forward brand that offers heritage-inspired products while filling the gap in Hispanic Caribbean representation in the global food market.

Authentic Latin Caribbean flavors are underrepresented in the food industry. The very ingredients that represent the vibrancy and culture of our traditions have been replaced by low value, artificial flavors. We’re changing that!