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Plum Deluxe Tea

Plum Deluxe Tea

Portland, OR

Magical Butterfly Pea Flower Herbal Tea

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Apple Pieces, Rose Hips, Hibiscus, Butterfly Pea Flowers, Blackberry Leaves, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, Orange Peel, Melissa Leaves, Lemongrass, Lemon Peel, Blue Cornflower, Vanilla Essence.

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We all know the story about the magical transformation that a creates a butterfly – have you heard of the magical butterfly pea flower tea? These vibrant blue flowers from Asia transform a simple tea drink into a magical blue concoction! We’ve created a delicious herbal tea with the butterfly pea flowers, a unique blend of berries and a splash of creamy vanilla to make a yummy herbal tea great for any tea party or gathering. We also thought this tea would be great for kids, hence why we’ve stuck with no caffeine.

Note: The butterfly pea flowers require acid/citrus to change to the bright blue color. That’s why we’ve included lemon in this blend; the additional of more lemon, lime, or other citrus will enhance the tea’s color.


Great as a cold brew. Add 1.5 tsp of tea per 8 oz cold water into the fridge and infuse overnight. Strain and enjoy.


1 oz (approx 15 cups)

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Plum Deluxe Tea

Plum Deluxe Tea

Portland, OR

At Plum Deluxe, we carefully select the best ingredients, expertly blend them, and deliver them fresh to you. Our unique flavors and enticing aromas encourage you to take a break and savor life's special moments. We're a family-owned business, and every tea is crafted in small batches with utmost care. Unlike other tea companies, we create our own recipes to the highest standards, drawing inspiration from our founder's travels to tea-loving regions of Europe and beyond.