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One Stripe Chai

One Stripe Chai

Portland, OR

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Leeli Chai - Lemongrass Chai Tea Blend

View reviews for Leeli Chai - Lemongrass Chai Tea Blend
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Organic ingredients: Assam CTC black tea, lemongrass, cardamom

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Leeli chai is a popular chai in the Indian state of Gujarat. This chai has been on our list for a while due to so many requests from friends and family, but we were waiting for a good time to launch it. This blend is simple and delicious, featuring lemongrass and cardamom, which give it a bright and citrusy finish that can be enjoyed hot or iced.

As always, we proudly source our organic, biodynamic, and ethical tea from a 4th generation family-owned tea garden located in the Tinsukia region of Assam, India.


To Brew - Makes one short cup of Leeli Chai!

  1. Bring half cup water + half cup of any milk + 3 tsp chai blend to a boil
  2. Simmer on medium low for 4-5 minutes
  3. String and add sweetener as desired


Single 70g bag of Leeli Chai




Made in a facility that also processes gluten.

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One Stripe Chai

One Stripe Chai

Portland, OR

Farah Jesani is Indian and drinking chai is basically in her blood. Her relationship and memories with chai is similar to people in the US have with coffee. That experience of being young and watching all the "adults" drinking this hot beverage religiously, anxiously waiting until she was "old enough" to have a mug of her own.

Fun Fact: She launched One Stripe Chai in Portland after being disappointed when she ordered chai lattes and found them always being too sweet or incredibly bland. The idea of One Stripe Chai fell into her lap serendipitously, the way most great ideas tend to.