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New York, NY

Coffee Clouds: Dark Roast (Fresh Ground Coffee)

View reviews for Coffee Clouds: Dark Roast (Fresh Ground Coffee)
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100% Arabica Fresh Ground Coffee (caturra, catuaí, catimor)

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100% Arabica Whole Bean Coffee

Coffee Clouds comes from the foggy rainforest region of Jinotega, Nicaragua. Cultivated by 20 smallholder coffee producers, this coffee conserves the traditional production techniques unique to the Cordillera Isabelia mountain range. The region's volcanic soil and a humid, tropical climate, sets it up for tremendous coffee-growing success. This blend, processed in micro-mills, has notes of baking chocolate, brown sugar, and citrus. .

Tasting notes: Baking Chocolate, Brown Sugar, and Citrus


This roast yields a very heavy-bodied, sweet, and chocolatey dark roast. Coffee Clouds is perfect for delivering a deep and well-balanced cup of coffee.


Choice of 1-pack or 3-pack

12oz can

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New York, NY

grounds is a specialty coffee brand, with the mission of bringing the best coffee into people's homes. Being transparent with our customers, and paying fair wages to our farmers is a necessity for us. Every blend is 100% traceable, fair trade, & smallholder grown. All of our blends come in a unique recyclable can, each allowing you to fully trace your beans’ roast profile, origin, contributors and more via a QR code.