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View reviews for Chunky Peanut Butter Vegan Protein Balls (8 Balls) 5.00 (1 review)

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Plants on Fire

Plants on Fire

Philadelphia, PA

Chunky Peanut Butter Vegan Protein Balls (8 Balls)

View reviews for Chunky Peanut Butter Vegan Protein Balls (8 Balls) 5.00 (1 review)
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Dates*, pea protein*, almonds, dry roasted peanuts, sea salt.
*Organic ingredient

Bubble Goods Approval Process

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A perfect balance of salty and sweet, our Chunky Peanut Butter protein balls are perfect for a post-workout treat. Plants on Fire believes physical activity is a form of self-empowerment and improvement and a creative outlet. These protein balls are made to support that activity. They are made without any "extras" — no artificial preservatives, no added sweeteners, and no added oils — because real food is the best fuel for your body. 


Enjoy one pre- and one post-exercise, share with a friend, or slam both at once. Throw them in the fridge or freezer for a cold treat. They stay fresh up to 2 months at room temperature or up to 4 months in the fridge. 


Four resealable packs each containing two protein balls. 



Contains tree nuts and peanuts.

Legal Disclaimer Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.


Plants on Fire

Plants on Fire

Philadelphia, PA

Plants on Fire was created for active people who move to feel alive. We believe that real food is the best fuel for your body, and it’s more logical to eat something from nature than something from a lab. We also don’t subscribe to the notion that animal products are necessary for physical performance or, more generally, life.

Fun Fact: Danielle is certified in Plant Based Nutrition through eCornell. She’s been vegan since 2012.